Trusted trial counsel in heart of Brooklyn and Upper Manhattan
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Stoll, Glickman & Bellina is New York's premier Civil Rights law firm.

Stoll, Glickman & Bellina (SGB) takes on cops and corrections officers every day in cases related to false arrest, excessive force (police brutality), and illegal stops. SGB is just as driven today to hold the powerful accountable as it was at its start almost fifteen years ago. More about our civil rights practice here.

Read more about police accountability and abuse of power at our Civil Rights Blog.

Stoll, Glickman & Bellina's Criminal Defense Lawyers are driven to get the best possible result for every client.

SGB has represented thousands of criminal defendants facing charges from drug possession, drug trafficking and manslaughter to burglary, DWI, sex crimes and assault. More about our Criminal Defense practice here.

Read more about politics and court decisions impact the rights of defendants at our Criminal Defense blog.

Stoll, Glickman & Bellina's Employment Practice Litigates on Behalf of employees.

Whether a victim of harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination or wage theft, SGB fights for employees. SGB also handles FLSA class actions. More about our Employment Law practice here

Read about overtime pay, minimum wage and other issues that affect employees at our Employment Law blog.